Szybki kontakt
"Sygnały" S.A. w Rybniku
44-251 Rybnik, ul. Sygnały 62
tel.: 32 4218431
fax.: 32 4218431 wew. 7
We are a Stock Company from 01.01.1994 year. But our history began in 1824 so we taking over not only reach traditions but also experience which we obtain for many years of our activity in various conditions.
Our technologists and constructors take advantage of this and introduce many new products for complete signalling and secure systems for the road engineering, mining industry and railroad branch. The main direction of company development are devices and systems which destination is improving of safety on ways. We provide complexity of services through assembly and installation in place of destination and guarantee of service of produced facilities. Except basic three sectors, we testify services in range of processing favor also machining, processing of plastic materials and rubber and anticorrosive include galvanization.
Products of our firm own require regulations certificates. They are produced based on principles of introduced systems ISO 9001:2000, which functioning has been verified by certifying audit it means by Certification Bureau of Polski Rejestr Statków Stock Company. The range of certification includes " design, manufacture and service of signalling systems for the purpose of, in particular: traffic road engineering, mining and railroad engineering". We obtained certificate in day 07.11.2002.