Szybki kontakt
"Sygnały" S.A. w Rybniku
44-251 Rybnik, ul. Sygnały 62
tel.: 32 4218431
fax.: 32 4218431 wew. 7
E-mail: sygnaly@sygnaly.com.pl

- Automatic lathe longitudinal bar with spindle passage 10,12,16 mm type BP-U and lateral automatic with spindle passage 25 mm type APA-25
- Toolmaker's lathe with spindle passage 45 x 1000 mm, 104 x 1000 mm swing capacity 460 x 100mm
- Turret lathe with spindle passage 16,32 mm type RH i 62 mm type 1341
- Vertical milling machine with table dimensions 400 x 1600 mm type FSS-400/E i 400 x 1200 mm type FYA
- Horizontal milling machine with table dimensions 400 x 1200 mm type FDA, FMA
- Drillers:
multiradial drilling machine - O 55/80 x 415 mm, r-1500 mm radial - O 55/80 x 415 mm, r-1500 mm
- truncated - O 32/40/ x 200 mm
- bench drill - O 15 x 180 mm
- Screwing machine - M 16
- Surface grinder with turntable 1000 mm, h max-350 mm type SAB-100W
- Eccentric press: 250kN, 630kN, 1500kN
- Hydraulic overhanging press - 400kN
- Guillotine shear - 6 x 2000 mm
- Filing machine to casts manual processing
Heat treatment
- Heat-treating furnance type PEKrT. max mass of stock 2000kg overall dimensions 3000 x 1000 x 600 mm
- Hardening chamber furnace, chamber dimensions 600 x 300 x 300 mm, max mass of stock 30kg
Plastic and rubber processing
- Plastic materials we processing: termoplastics:
- polycarbonate
- polyamide
- polymethacrylate
- copolymer ABS resin
- polycarbonate
- Plastic materials we processing: termosetting plastics:
- phenol moulding compound
- melamine moulding compound
- neoprene oilproof rubber
- phenol moulding compound
- Injection moulding machines:
MONOmat - 165 max injection moulding volume -270 cm3
Formoplast - 80 max injection moulding volume -175 cm3
- Hydraulic press to termosetting plastics and rubber :
- PHM-l00- power of form shutting: 1MN slider stroke 400 mm with table dimensions : 650 x 650 mm, daylight between table and slider 700 mm
- PHM -63- power of form shutting : 0,63MN slider stroke 300 mm, with table dimensions: 500 x 500 mm, daylight between table and slider : 600 mm
- PHM-l00- power of form shutting: 1MN slider stroke 400 mm with table dimensions : 650 x 650 mm, daylight between table and slider 700 mm
Executing tools and instruments
- Executing instruments:
- drilling instruments
- milling instruments
- blanking die
- drawing die
- drilling instruments
- Instruments overall dimensions about 300 x 300 x 300 mm
Forms executing to plastic materials and rubber processing
- forms to thermoplastics processing
- forms to termosetting plastics processing
- forms to rubber processing
Instruments overall dimensions about 300 x 300 x 300 mm.