Szybki kontakt
"Sygnały" S.A. w Rybniku
44-251 Rybnik, ul. Sygnały 62
tel.: 32 4218431
fax.: 32 4218431 wew. 7
Guarantee and after guarantee service
Our firm provide a guarantee and after guarantee service on produced devices and services. Agreement with clients defines services conditions and includes separate resolutions taken at acceptance of service application.
Service operations includes :
- periodical survey
- guarantee and after guarantee service and repair
- training for clients in range of proper attendance of service activity
Repair and service ordering are accept aby phone, fax, e-mail, letter or personally in the company.
Our data:
Fabryka Urządzeń Sygnalizacyjnych i Teletechnicznych "SYGNAŁY" S.A.
ul. Sygnały 62
44-251 RYBNIK
phone: +48 032 42 18 431 (51)
fax: +48 032 42 18 094